Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

today will be almost as crazy as yesterday. last night I babysat 5 kiddos, which was fine, I was just really tired. I was up again at 6 this morning for work and came straight to babysitting. right after this, I will be going to hang out with Ash, and then I'll have a few hours to pack for tomorrow. tomorrow, JD and I will be driving to Texas. hopefully it isn't icy, that way I can drive first, since I'm used to getting up early. I'm excited because I get to hang out with a bunch of the girls in his family. they have an ornament exchange every year and this year I was invited! then in a few days I will get to see my family and spend Christmas with them.

Mobile Blogging from here.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Summer 2010

First official day of summer. I'm home for the weekend to visit family. It was hard saying goodbye to JD but i've learned that it isnt really 'goodbye', its 'see ya later'. The drive back home was long but interesting. I tryed to sleep most of the way but also tried to help keep Grandpa Bill awake. We played a game where we had to say the memory verse when given the reference. I got most of mine correct :] Time goes by fast when your having fun (and when your asleep). I was excited to get home. My mom waited up for me-like she always does-even though we didnt get here until about 2 in the morning! I was sure that I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow! That was yesterday. Today, I woke up and ran some errands with mom, picked up Brittany from school, and then went to hobby lobby. Brittany wanted to make her buddy, Noah, a fleece blanket for his pre-school graduation present. She picked out a blue fabric with dinosaurs on it. The other side was lime green. I decided to make a blanket as well so i picked out a brown John Deer fabric. Once we got home, I helped Britt make Noah's blanket within 30 mins, then took her back to school for his graduation. Later on, I went to visit my second mommy, Mrs. Katherine. :] She is pretty much part of the family. I brought Moochie along. Moochie is my puppy. He is a Maltese. Mrs Katherine watched him when our family goes out of town for awhile, so he loves to go to her apartment! I got back home and made my blanket :] It turned out really good! I love it. Then after that, JD and I did our Devotions over Skype. It was good to see his face again :] Our devos were about forgiveness. It is unhealthy to hold a grudge. It is okay to be angry but it is a sin to act upon revenge.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I feel that God is teaching me patience, and how to encourage others in the best way that I can.
Today has been interesting. All I can say is that He puts people in your life for a reason, and he keeps others further away for a reason. I may never understand those reasons but I try my best to thank Him for the things that He allows to happen. If you just put Him first in your life, everything will eventually fall into place. If your in God's will, He will give you the desires of your heart.

Encouraging words/Bible verse:

Sometimes things do not go our way
When you fall off that high horse,
you have to pick yourself up,
and dust yourself off.
No one wants to sit in the dirt forever!
Things happen that we cannot change.
People come and go through out our lives,
friends become enemies,
enemies become friends,
you learn to be thankful for
what you have while you have it.
Thank God for the things in your life both good or bad.
Everything happens for a reason
and if you are in God's will, then it will all work out
and He will pull you through it.
Look for the positive in people.
Friends willcome and go,
but true brothers and sisters in Christ
will always be there
to help you up when you fall.
So get back up on that horse
and do not be afraid to ride!

Philipians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Today, I ate lunch with my amazing boyfriend <3 color="#ff0000">VIDEO OF THE DAY:
Great Russian Dancing-these kids are really good! they are soo cute!

Friday, March 12, 2010

"Rainy Day"

I'm not a big fan of rainy days...They sometimes make me feel kind of sad. :[ Today was not so bad though. JD finished his Mod class today, so now I get too see him more during the day! Not much to do today, I brought and picked up Courtney to and from work, then went to Raychels jewelry party (which was alot of fun!).

I watched a skit on Youtube that made me tear up a little. It's about God's love for us. Sometimes we fall deep into sin but Jesus is there standing with arms wide open, waiting for us to run back to his protecting arms.

My room has been a complete mess! I have been extra lazy this week and I have left things everywhere which makes it look like a tornado came through! I need to work on keeping things clean and organized. Sometimes i get into a cleaning mood and everything gets put in it's place. I havent been in that sort of mood for awhile :]

Matthew 5:44

But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that dispitefully use you.

My favorite song is: American Honey. I'm surprised that Im not sick of it because i listen to it pretty much everyday! I'm sure JD is tired of it hehe.

I love honeybuns :]

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Dear John"

Today was interesting. Well, the end was. My best friend/boyfriend, JD, took me to see the movie "Dear John." I have wanted to see this movie for months and he finally decided to take me. I had an idea of what the movie would be about, but I did not know how I would feel after I had seen it. It was an extremely sad movie and I am sort of regretting watching it, especially with Jd. He is going to school to be a military chaplain, so this film made both of us really think about our future. It really scares me to think that the storyline was real. This kind of thing actually happens in real life. What kind of person would I be if I ever let this happen to us? The whole ride back to campus was horribley quiet. Niether of us had much to say. I wish that we had ended up seeing another movie. I can say one thing though. My cowboy looked REALLY good in his black button-up shirt, black hat, and black boots :] He actually looked pretty amazing! I am excited for Spring Break, Jd gets to meet my family. We have only been dating for about 2 months but i want my parents to finally meet my "best friend." He is the one person that has been there for me EVERY single time that I needed a friend. Even if it was just to sit there and listen, he has always been there.

One thing I have learned today is that you should realize what you have while it's there because oneday, that can change and everything could be taken away from you.

Proverbs 3:5, 6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and Lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths